Personal Statement Notes

To help with my personal statement production, I have split my notes into 4 sections. Interests, work experience, achievements in life and skills. I am also attempting to link all the points back to my dream job, video production.


  • Video Production
  • Video Editing
  • Teamwork
  • Minor Photoshop


  • Charity Work– In 2015, a couple of friends and I went around the island dressed at the Power Rangers, as a joke we set up a Facebook page and in less than a week it received over 700 likes, we originally planned it as a joke but many were asking for us to attend parties and events, when we started accepting party requests, after getting a license, we were booked up every weekend for 4 months, then slowed down but still very busy, during this time, charities like Victoria House asked us to attend their promotional events and we gladly attended. Attending the parties and events helped with my organisation skills as I was the co-ordinator for the events.
  • Merit in First Year– For my FMP I directed, written and acted in a short film about wrestling.
  • B GCSE in Digital Applications- In Digital Applications, I worked in 3 applications, Photoshop, Illustrator and Dreamweaver

Work Experience

  • 3FM– At 3FM I was tasked with making videos throughout the week to go with their news stories, along with producing a video for the yearly Valentine’s Day competition, I went out on location and filmed what would go well with the video then went back to the office and edited it in. At the end of the week I produced 4 videos which they were pleased with.
  • Hayfisher– In September, I accompanied Hayfisher TV as they were filming the Isle of Man stage of the World Rally Championships, during the day I went up to Marine Drive to film the certain stage then went to Groudle late in the day to film the last stage of the day, I did not get to use the camera but I did get a lot of knowledge on how the television market works.
  • One World Centre– For my Year 10 work experience I went to the One World Centre in St. Johns. The One World Centre produce DVDs for third-world countries to help them tackle many tasks including avoiding cholera and how to filter water, as many do not speak English we had to translate the text and put them into the respective languages, when it was translated, we found the audio clips and replaced it. Also, there is a quiz section on the DVD and we were asked to animate sections of the quiz.
  • Tesco


  • Wrestling
  • Gaming
  • Video Production

Below is a minmap produced similar to the points above, the dotted lines show how they can be tracjed back to video production.


After producing the mindmap, on the back of the sheet I had an attempt at conveying the points in sentances so they could go in a personal statement.





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